Claim The Highest Traffic Keywords Local to You

Flat Rate - All Inclusive - Free Sketch Videos

Google Page One Program - If we Fail to Rank You on Page One, you don't pay

How it Works

  • Purchase your preferred Keyword package
  • Your payment pays for the first two months.
  • In essence, your second month is free.
  • Email us the zip code of your Law Office.
  • Email us what practice(s) you want to target.
  • Our AI finds high traffic keywords with low or zero competition.
  • You approve keywords and/or add your own.
  • We produce a unique video for every practice & community.
  • We create an Explainer Avatar along with your video (free).
  • We promote a phone number & forward it to your office.
  • We rank the Video on Google Page One and YouTube.
  • Your website is not a factor, this is a stand-alone system.
  • No setup fees - No contracts - Quit anytime.
  • See FAQ for more detailed information.
    See FAQ for more detailed information.

Coming Soon: Rank your website in the top 3 listings with Google Maps. Service offered to established customers and newsletter subscribers first.


SAVE 50%

Video Package

$997 per month

$9.97 / Mo. per page one ranked Keyword/Video

Monthly Billing Starts
60 days after purchase

You will be ranking on
Google Page One
before monthly charges start

Normally that's before the end of the 1st month after purchase*

  • First payment pays for 60 days of service (1 mo. Free)
  • All Keywords/Videos Ranked on Google Page 1 or replaced.
  • Suggestion: Law Firm should have an Answering Machine.
  • This applies to all of the packages listed.

Letter from the CEO

Dear Counselor,

I have been a digital marketer for close to two decades. Always for my own companies.

Over the years we found that traditional SEO for websites was too work intensive to do in-house and too costly to out-source. It can also take months to be effective and there was no guarantee that we would ever get a Google Page One ranking. Ranking on page two or beyond is basically worthless.

Having a J.D. and love for the law, I formed as a d/b/a of my main marketing company. I then infused AI into video creation and started marketing a client acquisition system that’s both affordable and effective.

Local, high traffic, low competition keywords are relatively rare. It takes AI to find them and analyze their viability. AI compares the SEO configurations of the competition and creates a program to out rank them.

74% of prospects searching for legal services choose a law firm listed on page one of Google. Most prefer to watch a video compared to scrolling through website listings. can create a unique client acquisition video and rank it on Google Page One in about a week, I guarantee it, or you don’t pay. I am that confident.

Bottom line, we can get your phones to ring with new paying clients. The cost of our service is far out-weighed by the income it can produce for your firm. Join today and lock down the best high traffic search terms/keywords local to you.

Thank you for taking the time to peruse our website. We hope to hear from you soon.

Respectfully yours,

Raymond G. Klingenberg JD, CEO

Email B2B, Inc. d/b/a

Monthly Billing Starts 60 Days After Purchase Date
By End of First Month You Get Ranked on Page One of Google
Quit Anytime - No Contract - No Setup Fees
All Packages include custom Video production and Explainer Avatars (no extra charge)


$597.00 / Mo.

$11.94 / Mo. per Keyword
SAVE 40%


$417.00 / Mo.

$13.90 / Mo. per Keyword
SAVE 30%


$317.00 / Mo.

$15.85 / Mo. per Keyword
SAVE 20%


$197.00 / Mo.

$19.70 / Mo. per Keyword
after 60 days

Monthly billing starts after 60 days