Meet Olivia, our AI Intake Specialist with unparalleled intelligence and efficiency. Olivia is ten times more effective than the average human. She’s expertly trained to qualify high-value prospects and connect them directly with lawyers like you.
These prospects are actively seeking legal representation.
Olivia isn’t here to replace your Intake Team; she’s here to enhance it. Her role is to determine whether a caller qualifies as a high-value prospect for you or a discounted general lead for someone else. This ensures your intake team focuses on what matters most.
Less than two years old – Serious injury – Not at fault – Not represented – Parties have insurance
Better and Better: Over time, Olivia will continuously enhance her expertise in qualifying prospects and aligning them with our subscribed legal counselors.
Partnering with us is straightforward. Begin by covering Olivia’s training fee to gain access to the system. Once enrolled, we will provide you with a criteria form to complete. We will refund your training fee if we can’t agree to a marketable criteria.
Premium highly competitive venues – plus $200/Lead
Low-population rural venues – minus $300/Lead
Continental USA General leads: MVA – Less than seriously injured, DUI, Trip & Fall, etc. – $497/Lead
Set your monthly budget (# of leads/mo.). Olivia will redirect your overflow leads to other lawyers.
Leads delivered in real-time are yours to keep exclusively, regardless of whether the prospect signs a Retainer Agreement.
The name Legal Eagle was first used in 1869. It has been the name of hundreds of entities over the past 150+ years, legal or otherwise. is an Artificial intelligence-infused digital marketing firm catering to the legal community. It is not a part of, or associated with, in any way, any other entity using the Legal Eagle name.
This site is not a part of the Google/YouTube/Facebook website or Google/YouTube/Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Google/YouTube/Facebook in any way. GOOGLE/YOUTUBE/FACEBOOK is a trademark of GOOGLE/YOUTUBE/FACEBOOK, Inc.
Even though, Inc. is a Lawyer-owned business, it does not operate as a Law Firm. Its only function is a Legal Industry Lead Generation company for Attorneys at Law., Inc. (A Florida Corporation)