Frequently Asked Questions

Proof of Concept

Please see this example of the number of videos generated by the Columbus Georgia Virtual Office four-video grid.

Despite the competitive nature of these prime search terms, we have achieved the top position for most of them. Even if our video appears as the first result, please scroll through the list to locate additional videos we have published.

Please go to and search any of the following terms.

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Our YouTube Video Ranking System works for any vertical. It is not limited to just the legal industry.

BONUS SEARCH:  Car Accident Lawyer Manhattan NY    &     Car Accident Lawyer Los Angeles CA     (Check these search terms out for taking on heavy competition)

Yes, we can rank some of your videos on the first page of Google. Once your videos are ranked on YouTube, we test their viability for Google Page One placement.

The success of ranking depends on the strength of your video’s SEO compared to the SEO strength of the competition already on Google Page One. Each video and keyword will have unique challenges and opportunities in SEO terms.

We are currently developing a flat-rate pricing model designed to accommodate most campaigns, ensuring a fair and transparent approach to achieving your ranking goals.

Video Grid Market
A Video Grid Market is a Virtual Office with a strategically ranked collection of four videos optimized for 50 targeted search terms on YouTube within a specific geographical area. This approach is designed to dominate local search results and drive phone inquiries directly to your law firm in real time. Your firm benefits from a flat monthly fee for each Video Grid Market, regardless of the number of inquiries generated.

Pay-Per-Call Model
The Pay-Per-Call model allows you to pay for leads on a per-call basis. Each call includes a predefined time limit (trigger) that gives you the opportunity to qualify or reject the lead. A shorter trigger time results in lower costs per lead, while a longer trigger time increases the price but provides more time for lead evaluation. This model offers a flexible, "cherry-picking" approach to acquiring high-quality leads.

Yes you can. We use Stripe primarily, sometimes Zelle. We try to avoid PayPal due to high fees. All three have recurring payment options.

Google and YouTube: A Strategic Advantage
Since Google owns YouTube, the platform benefits from favorable ranking considerations within Google’s search results. Ranking a YouTube video is often less stringent than achieving high rankings through traditional website SEO. We leverage advanced AI tools to identify the optimal strategies for securing placement on Google Page One.

The Path to Ranking Success
Achieving a top-ranking video on Google Page One requires extensive research and rigorous testing. Once we identify the most promising videos, we craft a custom SEO package tailored to support their visibility and performance. This strategic approach ensures that your content not only ranks but drives meaningful engagement and results.

The timeline can vary significantly, ranging from as little as 3 days to several months or more. Some keywords are highly competitive and require more effort to rank effectively. That’s why we invest time in thorough research and testing to identify the most viable keywords and videos for your goals.

If we don’t achieve results within a few months, we’ll shift our focus to an alternative keyword. Videos generally require less SEO work than traditional web content and tend to rank more quickly, making them an effective tool for improving visibility.

The general public has a very short attention span. We have 3-seconds to capture their attention and about 20 seconds to get into the meat of message.

We try to keep the videos under 3 minutes. We focus the video on getting the prospective client to dial the phone number they see on the screen. We ask them to dial it now to discuss their legal needs with a lawyer. In some cases, we use “Tap-to-Call” for easy smart phone calling.

It’s handled exactly like your normal client calls. You can use voicemail or a live answering service. It's best to answer the call live.

We will be soon offering an AI Agent that will answer your phone 24/7 and converse with the caller much like a live human. It will gather contact information and general information on the caller's legal needs. It can do most everything a human can do. Stay tuned.

Yes, but you will be turning a prospective client from an impulse buyer to a visitor. 90% or more of website visitors leave the site without contacting anyone. It’s the impulse to get their questions answered immediately that makes our YouTube program so successful.

Yes you can. We then let AI analyze them and compare them with the list of keywords it provides. You approve the final list

The smart choice is to provide us with your Prime Title & Subtitle keywords and six Secondary keywords for analysis. Or, you can let AI do it. We’ll send you a keyword spreadsheet for your edit/approval.

No. We have a different business model to avoid setup fees. You pay the first month of your program in advance. We use that payment to finance setting up your YouTube Video Grid. This way you get real value for your money.

In the case of Pay-per-Call, you pay for the first lead in advance to get into the system. We will bill you weekly for your calls/leads beyond your first pre-paid lead.

Not for you. is bearing the cost of producing the videos. That includes synchronizing the scenes, background music, voice overlay, and providing a unique tracking phone number for each Video Grid Market. To repeat, there are NO production charges billed to you.

No. We absorb that charge. The tracking phone number comes with an optional (not free) transcribing/recording service so that you will have the details of the case in writing or on tape.

We use traditional SEO white hat practices i.e. backlinks, citations and relevant unique content. The difference is that we are guided by AI as to which path to follow for success.

Thumbnails require minimal SEO work, that's why we use them to test a market. We absorb basic SEO costs for both thumbnails and videos on YouTube.

If you want to rank a video on a highly competitive keyword, you have the option to purchase an aggressive SEO package. 

No. Our Video Grid Marketing Program is a stand-alone program that runs parallel to whatever marketing you are currently doing.

There is no danger of your website being penalized by our efforts to get your Videos on Google Page One.

No. If you are happy with the results, keep it. The keywords we will be promoting will probably be different.

Yes, provided that our AI software clears your free trial keyword as medium to low competition. 

Just email  and request a free trial.

The Free Trial is a 'proof-of-concept' trial. It takes a Video Grid of 50 or more keywords to influence the algorithm and generate new clients.

Yes, after the first month. It’s best that you allow the program 30 days to prove itself and hopefully create enough revenue to pay for your video marketing program in its early stages.

Regarding your prepaid initial lead: there is no refund policy. We have expended time and money building out a video grid for your lead flow.

We auction them off to another local attorney.

This helps defray the cost of deploying your Video Grid Market campaign. It is also how we avoid charging you a setup fee.

You get full credit for your initial payment for the first month of service and a free month while we are building out your campaign.

Billing starts 60 days after your initial purchase.

Yes. You will need to pay cash for the first month. This helps defray the expense of producing and deploying your thumbnails and videos. We have no way to create a monthly auto-pay for crypto so you will need to pay with crypto annually in advance.

We reserve the right to change this policy without notice.

Yes. We currently offer a Pay-per-Call (pay-by-the-lead) solution. To get started, purchase the first lead on the program you prefer and we will bill you weekly on a Pay-per-Call basis.