The name Legal Eagle was first used in 1869. It has been the name of hundreds of entities over the past 150+ years, legal or otherwise. LegalEagle.ai is an Artificial intelligence-infused digital marketing firm catering to the legal community. It is not a part of, or associated with, in any way, any other entity using the Legal Eagle name.
This site is not a part of the Google/YouTube/Facebook website or Google/YouTube/Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Google/YouTube/Facebook in any way. GOOGLE/YOUTUBE/FACEBOOK is a trademark of GOOGLE/YOUTUBE/FACEBOOK, Inc.
Even though LegalEagle.ai, Inc. is a Lawyer-owned business, it does not operate as a Law Firm. Its only function is a Legal Industry Lead Generation company for Attorneys at Law.
LegalEagle.ai, Inc. (A Florida Corporation)